Ben's Blind IPA Challenge Final Round!
We are finally here, the finale of our Blind IPA Challenge! This year, the Ben's Bottle Shop IPA Challenge is coming back bigger & stronger than ever. In April, May and June, we're hosting blind taste test challenges in order to let our guests decide who's got the best IPA around. We're talking about West Coast IPAs here--no hazies allowed! It's like a 3-month playoff bracket for bad-ass IPAs...which is pretty dope.
Here's how it works: On Friday, April 29th, our top beer distributors will each enter their best IPA into round 1 of the competition. On Friday, May 27, we'll host round 2: the self-distributors' competition, when the local breweries y'all choose in online voting will each bring their best IPA to be tapped, tasted, and judged. Then, on Friday, June 24, we'll host the final round: when the top entries from April & May will come together for an IPA blind taste test battle royale. Many IPAs will enter this competition, but only one will be crowned champion. Help us decide which brewery will earn the everlasting glory and bragging rights of having the best IPA around. On Friday, June 24, we hope you'll help us kick off the competition. Come on in, and put your IPA judging skills where your mouth is, and pick some winners!
Stop in our check us out here for more details! THE 2022 IPA CHALLENGE EXTRAVAGANZA - The Finals - Winner Take All! | Facebook